This longing and waiting is not only found in the season of Advent but we feel it more heavily in it. We are all longing and waiting for something and in this season you can know that you are not alone. In this waiting we are also longing for the day when all will be made right, when all our tears will be no more, and peace will be the norm. I pray these poems will help yo see hope in the waiting allowing your heart to expand with peace. The King has come and is coming back soon!
A Song over Palestine
Finally the young couple arrives in the City of David Ascending into the little town was exhausting The overwhelming oppression that instigated this trip Is even more exhausting still Only hope could propell them forward The night approaches fast and painful Like the pain tearing through her lower back Joseph sighs, there would be no place to sleep With furrowed brow, he was determined to find A cover to put over their heads How would sleep come anyways The heaviness of life slowed and weighed Mary down But the contraction speed through her With fierce intensity Yet hope sustained her still This quiet night was in fact thunderously loud The animals kept up their conversation Stopping only when a groan escaped Mary’s lips Then the chatter would pick back up and join the nightly chorus Somehow peace and rest would come even if only in her soul The shepherds on the hill keep watch The star studded sky their nightly cover The murmur of the sheep as they settled in was their lullaby as they gently tended to the stragglers pulling them close Their heavy laden eyes giving way to slumber Suddenly a blinding light envelopes them Their hearts pound and up they jump “Do not fear!” they hear the angel say Quaking and shaking they nod yes As the heavenly cover becomes ablaze with angels and song A song was heard over Bethlehem that night Born is the long awaited babe, the Savior He’s come to dwell with men and gently lays His mom wrapped him tenderly never imagining She would see him wrapped again when He gives his life to bring us peace The song the heavenly hosts sang that night Reverberated over the hill and into the hearts The hearts of the lowly, the overlooked, and the immoral Yet he came to them first, bathing them in his goodwill This same song is still lingers over Palestine today This Lovesong still serenades hope today Drawing near to the lowly today He comes to the overlooked today He still binds up the broken hearted today Gently he draws them close and sings, “ Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace goodwill toward men.” ~DFD
Love Playlist
Music has always helped me mark time, keeping pace with the rhythm of peace. I want slow down and rest in the longing but also learn to rejoice in it. This Love playlist helps me linger in his Love. I can be present in this season of waiting with the help of those who created these beautiful songs. The King has come in love and he will return again soon. Continue to find your way to the Light of the World.
Behold, I bring you good tidings of a great joy, which shall be to all people For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:10, 17
Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
Revelation 21:3